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A/C and Heating Specialist


Don't trust you're a/c repairs to just anyone.

We stock:

  • Compressors
  • Condensers
  • Evaporators Cores
  • Receiver Driers
  • Heater Cores
  • Specialty fittings
  • O-rings

We make custom A/C lines

We are Trans-Air and Carrier Transport A/C Warranty Depot


Your car's engine is made up of hundreds of complex components working together to ensure that your vehicle starts and runs properly. Over time, however, these components can wear out, resulting in a loss of performance and fuel economy. We believe in preventive maintenance - keeping your car in good working order and avoiding the problems that can lead to roadside breakdowns. Our expert technicians are trained to help keep your car running as safely as possible, making sure that the major mechanical systems are functioning properly and efficiently. At Howard Road Garage, we understand how important your car is to you and we know your car's needs. We can help you follow its factory-recommended maintenance schedule.